What you should know about us:

Q: When are worship services?


Q: How should my family dress when we attend worship?


Q: Are my children welcome in worship?


Q: What else can my family take part in at your church?

 A: We offer a combined worship service at 10 AM, featuring our Contemporary Worship Praise Band and traditional elements. This blended service honors and glorifies Jesus Christ and is live-streamed on Facebook, our website, and YouTube.

A: The bottom line is, you will NOT be judged or turned away based on how you are dressed.

A: Absolutely! We offer Children’s Church 1/2 way through the service, where children can go to a room all their own and participate in hands-on, active, fun worship! If your child is not comfortable with leaving you, though, children are always welcome in the main worship space! Our members love the sounds of little life echoing through the sanctuary!

A: We have a lot going on at Woodmont! We have a vibrant Youth Program for children 6th-12th grade. We have a Missions Team that is involved in our community regularly, including serving hot meals EVERY Monday night and once a month at the local soup kitchen. In the summer, they go on a large mission trip through CCC (Carolina Cross Connection). To find out more about our upcoming events, visit our Events page HERE!